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Introducing “CSS Tab Designer”

A unique and easy to use software to help you design css-based lists and tabs visually and without any programming knowledge required!
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Inline image quotes

Natalie Downe explains an easy and effective way to create inline image quotes with CSS
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Crestock.com’s Photoshop Contest 2006

Take the chance to win a MacPro with Dual 30” Cinema HD Displays, a MacBook Pro, a MacBook, or an iPod
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CSS Hacks- the good, the bad, and the ugly

David Hammond provides a detailed look at your various options when it comes to CSS hacks, even in IE7.
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Feature: Wake up and smell the IE7!

If your site's breaking in IE7, then this is the first problem you should attempt to rule out
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JavaScript Roundup

New-and-improved releases and additions continue to come thick and fast from the various JavaScript libraries
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Copyright Primer for Designers

This article discusses copyrights, particularly from the perspective of web designers
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Ask it Online: Surveys beefed up with Ajax

Offering a simple to use Ajax interface to create, edit, and take surveys online
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Five steps to a better design portfolio

Jeffrey Veen on a few things he has learned while wading through portfolios
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Flickr as a source of inspiration

The following are 28 wonderful inspirational photo pools found on Flickr

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